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Cooking with The ‘Most Unsexy Vegetable’

recipe side dish Nov 22, 2018

Behold… the Celery Root! This ugly duckling, otherwise known as Celeriac has been dubbed by some the most unsexy veggie in the plant world. I am here to turn your opinion of celeriac around, and hopefully onto your plate.


Asides from being delicious (think cross between a potato and..well a celery) this root veggie is packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, K and some B’s and is loaded with fiber. It’s also a rare non-starchy root vegetable, making it a great option for anyone trying to keep their carb count low and blood sugar stabilized! This dish below is a great side to any saucy meat dish, or on its own as a snack!

Celeriac & Cauliflower Mash


  • 1 medium/large celeriac bulb
  • 1 medium head cauliflower
  • 1 small white onion diced finely
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 heaping tbsp ghee or butter
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • optional: fresh/dried rosemary
  • salt and pepper to taste



  1. Preheat oven to 400 F
  2. Peel and chop your celeriac into 1 inch – ½ inch pieces (ensure to remove all the fuzzy bits!) & roughly chop cauliflower into small florets
  3. Combine celeriac and cauliflower in bowl with the onion, garlic, olive oil, all the herbs and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
  4. Lay your celeriac and cauliflower on a baking tray (you may have to use two) and bake at 400 for about 25 - 35 minutes – you want a fork to easily slide through the celeriac and to see a little browning along the outside of your veggies
  5. When the veggies are cooked, transfer to a large bowl and coat in the butter/ghe
  6. Using a potato masher (or a fork) mash your veggies until you have a desired consistency – it can be great chunky or smooth!
  7. Serve with more salt and pepper to taste


Maintains blood sugar levels: celeriac is one the of few root vegetables that is non-starchy, and has a very low carb count. It’s a great vegetable to incorporate if you’re trying to avoid those spikes in blood sugar, swap it in when you are craving potatoes!

Keep our bones strong: There are high amounts of vitamin K and phosphorus in celeriac, nutrients which are essential to keeping our bones strong and preventing us from developing osteoporosis. Celeriac is especially high in vitamin K which increases calcium absorption and prevents deterioration in the bone.

Keeps you regular: Celeriac also contains high amounts of dietary fiber which as we know can help keep us regular and ensure proper digestion!

Supports energy production: Vitamins B6, B5, niacin, riboflavin and name it, Celeriac has it. These nutrients play a role in the production of energy in the body and are essential to keeping us going!

Looking to figure out more ways to sneak your vitamins into your food and curb your cravings, contact us here!